DiskImage (32-Bit, Download)
Product Description
Compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and Vista, this software download of Laplink DiskImage helps protect your system against unforeseen data loss by creating a 1:1 disk image copy of your applications, files, and settings. Once your disk image is created, you'll be able to easily restore your system in the event it becomes damaged due to corruption, virus, hackers, or malware. You'll also be able to restore your image to a new build with different hardware using the Hardware Independent Restore features.
Disk images can be stored on optical or external media, while a built-in scheduler can be used to create full or incremental system images, even while your system is in use. Furthermore, DiskImage can be used to create a physical boot CD, which lets you repair and restore your system in the event that your operating system won't start.
Please note that booting from a physical CD requires 1GB of RAM. Also, a network connection is required to download and register this software.
Disk images can be stored on optical or external media, while a built-in scheduler can be used to create full or incremental system images, even while your system is in use. Furthermore, DiskImage can be used to create a physical boot CD, which lets you repair and restore your system in the event that your operating system won't start.
Please note that booting from a physical CD requires 1GB of RAM. Also, a network connection is required to download and register this software.
General | |
Delivery Method | Download |
License Type | |
License Length | |
Number of Users Supported | |
Number of Devices Supported | |
System Requirements | |
Supported Operating Systems | Windows 10 Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows Vista |
Supported Mobile Operating System | |
Memory Requirement | 1 GB |
Storage Requirement | Windows: 30 MB |
CPU Requirement | |
Display Resolution Requirement | |
VRAM Requirement | |
GPU Requirement | |
OpenGL Graphics Requirement | |
Supported Languages | |
Audio Requirement | |
Internet Connection Required | Yes |
USB Authentication Device Required |