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Youth Today - 6 Issues - 1 Year Product Image

Youth Today - 6 Issues - 1 Year

Product Description

Youth Today is the only independent, nationally distributed newspaper that is read by thousands of professionals in the youth service field. Some of the issues covered include: Youth development, juvenile justice, gang and violence prevention, adolescent health, teen pregnancy, sex, and parenting, after-school programs and mentoring, job training and school-to-work, and best practices. The newspaper is full of resources including: An extensive calendar of workshops and conferences related to professional development, youth issues and youth work; contact information for foundations interested in youth development issues and listings of recent grant awards to youth-serving organizations; book and video reviews for use with staff and kids; analysis of groundbreaking research in the youth services field; and coverage of federal and state legislative issues concerning youth.

Please note: New magazine subscriptions can take up to 120 days to activate.
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